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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

3 Easy Ways To Beat Mold and Mildew Buildup in Your Bathroom

4/15/2018 (Permalink)

Even when bathrooms look clean, mold and mildew may be lurking. Fortunately, there's plenty that commercial property owners in [City, State], can do to keep their bathrooms clear. These tips will likely help with most bathroom mold and mildew clean ups you happen to need.

1. Avoid Moist Environments

Mold and mildew love moisture. Humidifiers, air conditioners, and inadequate ventilation systems create moist—and therefore moldy—bathrooms. This is bad for property owners and likely even worse for the people using the bathrooms.

In most instances, the best way to keep bathrooms mold-free is to be proactive. If able, avoid using humidifiers. If they're essential, consider cleaning them weekly. The same goes for air conditioning units: clean them often and ensure there are no leaks. To ventilate bathrooms, always open windows, especially after occupants have taken showers.

2. Dispose of Mold Properly

Mold and mildew are typically persistent. Even when you do your best to keep them out of your bathrooms, they can still appear. Therefore, knowing how to perform an adequate mold and mildew clean up is essential.

First, use a respirator. One should never clean mildew without them. Next, dispose of and replace any moldy materials you can. Yes, this even includes things such as grout and caulking. Though they're difficult to replace, mold can sneak deep into them without necessarily remaining visible. Replace what you can, and then scrub what remains with bleach.

3. Stay Vigilant

Mold and mildew are most likely to strike when you're not prepared for them. Therefore, you should check your bathrooms regularly. Assuming they're mold-free is often a big mistake.

One telltale sign of mold is its smell. If a bathroom continues to smell peculiar, even after cleaning, it's possible you have mold or mildew lurking within. In addition, mold buildup often becomes visible to the naked eye, especially when it collects in showers, sinks, or corners of the room. The bottom line: don't pretend mold will leave your bathroom alone. Check constantly.

Bathroom mold and mildew clean up isn't as difficult as it may seem at first glance. With the proper preventative measures, the right techniques, and the correct mindset, commercial property owners will likely be able to beat it. Do your best to stay mold-free.

For more information, please visit us athttp://www.SERVPROcarrollton.com.

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